Antje Haugg: A Very Musical Murder (engl. Edition)

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  • Verlag: Elvea
  • ISBN 978-3946751304

In the small, neglected copse of trees, grandly named the Dammwäldchen, in downtown Bayreuth, the body of law student Tina is discovered. Two facts quickly emerge: she had been murdered and she had apparently led a double life. However, what did the mysterious ancient scrap of paper that was found by the corpse have to do with Tina’s death? Was there something in the rumour of plagiarism about Albert Zweistein’s sonata? And who is the ominous Phil Kill, who flits around behind this name on Facebook? How inclined to violence is in fact Tina’s friend MCM? So many contradictions, so many apparently unconnected acquaintances.

Their investigation leads Detective Chief Inspector Doris Lech and her assistant, Lotte, to nature reserves and lawyers‘ chambers, to the international fashion scene and even to the Wagner family on Green Hill – there are too many suspects for comfort. But which one is actually the murderer? And is there a connection to the suicide of a schoolgirl at Richard Wagner Gymnasium 100 years ago?

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